Monday, December 6, 2010


I had a wedding to go to this weekend and was able to do something that rarely ever happens to me; I had a complete outfit already ready, dress, shoes, accessories the works. I helped at the Best of Spokane 2010 party in October and was able to put everything together for that event and loved how it turned out so I knew that I would wear the same thing to two winter weddings that I was going to attend, this one on Saturday and another one on New Year’s Eve. I wore a red & black (I know Iknow) Donna Morgan dress that I bought for my High School Reunion but the crown jewels, as least as I saw it were these Steve Madden heels. They are black sequin and patent leather and have just enough of a platform to be really attractive and are actually very comfortable, something I am not used to in shoes. Usually you can either get them to be comfortable but they aren’t that cute or they are super hot but not comfortable at all and I was able to hit the jackpot with these. I am so impressed in fact that the search is on for any other colors that I can find in this style.
These will defiantly become my new go-to shoe for holiday events, finally the LBD has found the perfect LBS (little black shoe).

Photo Unceremoniously heisted from

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