Thursday, December 2, 2010


 One thing I have always taken pride in and possibly taken for granted was my nails. I know that sounds incredibly vain and probably not very important to most people but my nails have always grown long and have been very strong, thru no fault of my own as I admit to not drinking enough milk.My poor mother has very thin nails and because of this has had artificial nails for as long as I can remember, for how little she takes care of herself she has always found time to get them done and has always had a relationship with her nail lady, its kinda like a shrink in some ways, you go see them every two weeks and you sit and talk to them for several hours at a time, As seen in the movie "Legally Blonde". I have memories of going to the salon with her when i was in early elementary school and her nail lady "Daphne" would paint my  nails as well, I always felt grown up when I was there, in fact that probably fed into this obsesion that I have now. I admit to having done artifucial nails a few times in my life and always end up regretting it, they are a lot of upkeep, they are expensive and isn't the point of artificial nails to look like you have long natural nails anyway? It is a very peculiar thing in our society right now that women from all walks of life see their nails as a status symbol of sorts, it is showcased in movies, television shows, and even music videos.
Hot Shot - my Summer 09 color

Mirror Mirror - my Fall 10 color
While I love all the fun colors they come out with every year and anxiously awate each season to see what the 'it' color of the season will be and yet I always end of going back to two of my favorite tried and true colors, Bombshell & Liquid Vinyl. Orly  is my favorite brand of nail polish and I rarely use anything else. They are formulated for natural nails and can last several weeks without a touch up and have a rubber handle with texture which makes painting your own nails easier especially when you can actually hold the brush carefully without worry of it slipping at all.


Liquid Vinyl

It is no secret the my two favorite colors are Red and Black. They were the colors of my High School, my College , my car, and my kitchen. While I admit that red nails can be a little cliche they are also timeless and classic and have a way of making you look and feel very polished and put together. While I love a good pink now and then I see pink as the princess and red is more for the queen, which just seems to fit me better.

I had a revelation last night, I have been so caught up in all this house stuff for the last 3 months that I am ashamed to say I haven't done anything to my nails, except for trying to scrape the paint off them every night when I leave. This weekend I have a wedding to go to and I spent about last 20 minutes this morning filing and painting my nails in preparation and now I can't stop looking down and I have caught myself smiling several times as I looked at them. Now the trick is going to be trying to keep them nice until Saturday. Wish me luck.

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