Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photo Booth

I have mentioned the prior weekends weeding several times and wanted to share a little memento that C and I got at the wedding. We have a long running joke that while I have a camera with me at all times we have very few pictures of the two of us together, and every time we get dressed up and go somewhere it seems that somewhere on the ride home one of us realizes that once again we didn’t  get a photo taken together. Well this weekend started out the same, I made the joke as I put my camera into my purse “Let’s try to actually get a picture of the two of us together tonight” and while I didn’t actually take any pictures with my camera the bride did have the foresight to order a Photo Booth for the guests to use at the wedding. So now not only did we get a photo but we got 4 different photos or 8 if you want to be technical and cut them in half.

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