Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nordstrom vs. Home Deopt

I have been asked several times to be a guest blogger for The Shanty , a great little store up in Newport WA and was reminded again today. While I love the idea of being a guest blogger and Lord knows I love The Shanty I find myself resisting. I haven’t opened a fashion magazine since the beginning of October, read when the house stuff really started to get underway, and I haven’t shopped online or in a store for anything other than toys (Christmas is just a few weeks away) and house stuff. Once I realized that I started looking back over my own blog and while only in actual existence for a couple of months (I have been blogging in my head for almost a year now) I see that I have done very little fashion related blogs on here and definitely nothing that could be counted as cutting edge or even on trend.
Just one more reason that I am looking forward to getting this house done, I can get back to what I am most comfortable with, shopping at Nordstrom instead of Home Depot.

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