Monday, December 20, 2010

Glitter and the Nutcracker

Friday night I had the opportunity to take my entire family, all 8 of us (minus my 3 year old nephew) to the opening night of the Nutcracker Ballet. Needless to say the women were more excited to go than the men were, Dad wasn’t bad as he appreciates that type of thing, probably something to do with learning to appreciate culture with age but "C" and my brother in law were less than happy. To my delight and everybody else's surprise "A" really got into it as well, the 1st half is all story telling and sword fighting so we really liked that but the 2nd half is a lot mor ballet and he started to fade a little but over all not bad for a 8 year old boy.
As soon as I knew we were going my mind immediatley went to what would I wear? I know it is probably just my little girl coming thru but is there anything better than opening night of the Nutcracker during the Christmas season? This clearly deserved a new outfit and as soon as I found these great shoes I knew my search was over. I went simple with the rest of the outfit to keep the emphasis on the shoes, dark wash skinny jeans a gold dolman sweater and I was ready to go. They are the same style as the black ones (mentioned here) but with glitter instead of sequins. Gold heels and the Ballet, two things that definitely go well together.

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