Thursday, December 9, 2010


While I agree with the rest of the fashion world that Uggs have definitely outlived their heyday (except here in the Pacific Northwest where people just cant seem to get enough of them), I did find several new styles in their fall/winter 10’ line that are very exciting. With all the boot options this fall I was a little overwhelmed and was looking for just the right boot that would go with everything and do everything, I know I know aren’t we all. I had looked all over town and thru all of my favorite online options before I stumbled upon these lovely little gems at, the UGG® Australia 'Lynnea' Ankle Boot. They come in several colors and in leather or suede and can be worn both up or folded down. The catch, they are sold out everywhere, including from the manufacturer, in fact they are currently selling on Ebay for about $50 – 75 over retail. I hemmed and hawed for about a week before deciding to just give it a shot, I called my favorite shoe salesmen at Nordstrom and had him search for me. Sure enough of the 3 left in the company (or at least that’s what their computer said) he was able to find me the color and size I wanted in Minnesota. They are being shipped to me as we speak and hopefully I will love them as much in person as I do online. The other thing is hopefully my Scottish blood won’t get the better of me and I don’t sell them on Ebay, we will have to wait and see.

 On a side note, my extremely fashionable cousin bought a pair of Miz Mooz that are practically identical. I was telling her about my awesome find over Thanksgiving and she broke these out to show me. Great minds really do think alike.

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