Thursday, December 16, 2010

Miu Miu Naplack Booties

I first saw these almost 2 years ago in a magazine spread and ever since then have noticed them popping up in the most random places. The most recent was today on Emily at Cupcakes & Cashmere, I follow her daily, she wears these pretty frequently and today they popped up once again. While they are by Miu Miu ("affordable" line by Prada) I totally think I could justify the price tag of $625 but they are an older style and are completely sold out everywhere. also featured these along with their more affordable version back in 2008, which are completely sold out as well. My only hope now is to watch Ebay and other sites like that and hope by some miracle somebody decides to sell a pair.

Miu Miu Naplack Booties
Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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