Thursday, January 20, 2011

1942 Frigidaire Oven

The holidays have not been good to my poor little house, what I mean by that is with all the activities that tend to go along with this exciting and busy time of year not much progress has been made. I am not upset by this, it is by choice, it was an easy decision to make, the painting will still be there but I will never get another Christmas with my son being eight so I am going to enjoy it every opportunity I can get. This was also a huge relief and help to my family, they didn’t need to feel guilty that they weren’t working on the house every time they attended a Christmas party or got together with some friends. Now that the holiday are over it is time to turn my attention back to the task at hand, the house. We have 3 more projects to complete before it will be move-in ready.
1.       Tile the Kitchen floor
2.       Rip out the carpet and re-finish the living room floor
3.       Remove wallpaper and paint living room
One major thing that did happened this week was we got the oven working. The oven is original to the house and has always been one of my favorite things about it however it wasn't currently working. The burners worked but the oven itself wasn’t working on my beautiful 1942 Frigidaire oven. Trying to track down parts or a mechanic who could/would work on it was a real challenge and the idea of getting rid if it was not even an option. I love to bake so not having a working oven has been a major point of stress for me the last few months. My foremon suggested that we have the electrician who was doing some other work for us look at it, and a great idea it was for sure. It took him less than 20 minutes to get it back to working order plus he was able to check all the wiring and confirm that everything is safe to use. So now not only does my oven work but so does the task light, the timer, the clock, and the 110v outlet on the front. It still needs a little TLC but at least now it works.

How is that for the best post-Christmas present ever?


  1. I want to come see it all in person! I love an old house with new life.

  2. Megan, I can't wait to show you what we have done with the house. I did a ton of research on that era and mode some very intentional decisions regarding design and style. I would love to get somebody with your eye for that kind of things oppinion.
    Get Bryce to fly you over, the little airport over here has great food too.
