Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year's Eve Wedding

As I mentioned here we had yet another wedding to go to this winter, this one was on New Year’s Eve and once again the bride had a photo booth there for all the guests to enjoy, and enjoy it we did. This time I think I walked out of the wedding with about 10 of those little photo strips. It’s fun to look thru them and see the evolution of the evening. In the first couple we couldn’t even manage to get all of our faces into the photos and by the end we had a large amount of people in there and were just being silly.

Can't quite seem to find the lens but apparently we all went to the same hairdresser.

7 girls, thats a lot of poeple in a small space

Little sister and brother in law even made an appearance

All in all a great way to kick off the 2011, surrounded by family and friends, in a small photo booth.

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