Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Remodeling Retro Style

Lets start off the series with the remodeling genre as that seems to be the one that sucks up the majority of my time and energy at the moment, One of my favorites is  “Brooklyn Limestone", it’s written by a young couple who purchased a 100+ year old home in Brooklyn NY and have spent the last few years renovating it and bringing it back to its former glory. One of my favorite things about what they have done is having been able to add modern touches and conveniences while still staying true to the bones of the house, I can attest as to how difficult this can be at times and I am trying to be very intentional in my decision for the house for this exact same reason.  It makes it feel like the home is truly theirs and they are the homes. I really hate when people try to force a style or certain aesthetic into a space where it truly just does not belong and vice versa people who are so determined to re-make something into exactly what it was originally that it isn’t conventional as a modern day home.  While they have done a lot more extensive remodeling than I have done so far I still love seeing all the before and after pictures (here) and will admit to being extremely jealously.  They also have a great contest going on right now so this is a great time to pop over to their site and check it out.

Found this pic after I was pretty much done with our bathroom and was super excited to see that we had made some of the same design choices. (Brooklyn Limestone upstairs bathroom)
My other favorite hands down in the remodeling genre is “Retro Renovation”, Pam has given hope to thousands of homeowners across North America that they truly are not alone in their dream of bringing their homes back to their original mid-century glory. With greats posts like  “Save the Pink Bathroom” and links on where to find everything from design tips, to products and even where to find the best reproductions and lot and lot of pictures this is a must see blog to be sure. She is also very good at regulating the reader comments and always encourages her readers to renovate safely. While I have never met her I feel like she is a friend whom I can call on anytime with my design question and am working with her currently to get my kitchen featured on her blog to hopefully get some design help from her readers, I’ll keep you updated as to when that happens.

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