Monday, January 3, 2011

1st Series

Blogging is strange new world to be sure and it sucks you in. As I mentioned before (here) I have certain blogs that I check on a daily basis and I know without fail that there will be a new post up every morning and I completely envy their discipline to do that although ironically enough those are also the ones that their blog is their full time job, coincidence? Probably not J . While others post a bit more randomly and it is always a wonderful surprise when something new pops up. Looking at the list of ones I am currently following I found them divided into certain categories’, my friends & family, fashion, house (retro renovation and remodeling), and parenting. With this in mind I am going to do my first series of posts showcasing some of my favorite blogs in each category. Some of my favorite blogs I found as links from other blogs so I hope you enjoy this series and will hopefully find something that you also love.

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