It occurred to me this weekend while stuck in traffic on the freeway that this is the first time in my adult life that I just have one dress code in my life. That probably doesn’t make a lot of sense so let me expand on that thought. My clothes and my style for that matter have always been divided into several categories, clothes for school, clothes for work, clothes for relaxing after work, clothes for dating, clothes for partying, clothes for shopping, etc…. and I seemed to don a different personality based on what I was currently wearing. But right now I have an awesome job that has a very laid back dress code that allows me to wear pretty much anything I want from a suit to a shift dress and boots to jeans and a cotton top. Because of this I have noticed more and more overlap of what I wear to work is also what I shop in and what I wear to meet friends for coffee etc… I don’t date anymore really and my partying is virtually non-existent so I have been wearing the same clothes over and over again. Because of this, or maybe in combination with this and my age, my personal style has started to show thru more consistently.
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I’m not sure what you would call it however, I am west coast thru and thru (way more Marilyn than Jackie) laid back thanks to living in the Pacific Northwest for so long and I still have a bit of California in me, also a bit rocker with lace and girly details. I have always been a bit of a chameleon and can adapt easily to nearly any group or situation, but it always left me wondering who I truly was underneath it all. Now I have a better idea and while I will probably always watch the trends and adapt to the situation around me I can say with some confidence that my true style will come out in everything that I wear.